Industrial Machinery & Equipment, Finite Element Analysis (FEA)

Industrial machinery and equipment present a design challenge because they are expensive, so if they fail to work, manufacturing can stop. Most industries evaluate any possible design before it can be used.
Finite element analysis is a technique often used in industry for analysis and design. In the past, it was only used in structural analyses; now it’s a key tool in computer-aided engineering, with computers able to handle complex calculations readily. With finite element analysis, an industrial designer can analyze changes to fit electromagnetic and biometric solutions. Finite element analysis provides the solution to complicated machine geometry and boundary conditions. It translates more complex problems into more explainable problems.
Simple Procedure of Finite Element Analysis can be applied to any real life problems.
- The starting of Finite Element Analysis is with assumed trial solution. If the differential equations and boundary conditions are unknown, it should be noted that the trial solution must satisfy the boundary conditions.
- Generally, when solving a differential equation the assumed solution is not going to be perfect and will have errors. This error is also called the domain of the equation.
- The residual domain varies and it is difficult to reduce it to 0 at every point, so it is ensured that there is the smallest residual domain. So that the weighted sum of all domains with a residual value over all structural domains adds up to 0.
- The estimation of the assumed trial solution is a difficult process and an accurate solution depends on expertise. One way to create an accurate representation of the assumed trial solution would be to discrete each structural domain into multiple independent segments called finite elements.
- If a field variable has been segmented, the trial functions are used to find the value of that variable at any point in the interior of that segment. These key points are called nodes, and trial functions which are used in finite element models are known as shape functions.
- To obtain a weighted sum of the domain, one should estimate the weighted sum for the entire structural domain. Weighted sum shapes function can be used to estimate how strong the element’s residual is; these values are then added up over all the elements to compute a weighted sum of the entire structural domain.
- The software estimates the value of the inputs. It then transforms them into matrices, which are programmed into programs such as NASTRAN. These characteristics are used to calculate the final system-level values
Finite element analysis is increasingly becoming a popular structural mechanics method. It offers easy visualization of machine and equipment, which can be applied as a real-life problem from various physical domains. The finite element analysis is specially used in the aerospace industry with the function to perform structural analyses and aerodynamic studies.
Finite Element Analysis also has relevance in understanding dielectric insulating materials and electrodes. It can be used to enhance the optimization and dependability of insulated design in high voltage equipment. Finite element analysis can provide an equipotential field plot for a high voltage transformer, which assures less stray losses in electrical machines. One preferred process for installing a thermal wire bonding between a lead frame and a semiconductor chip is the thermosonic wire bonding.The end of the wire is connected by a metal wire. Wire bonding technology enables you to design certain specifications and designs. Engineers who use this technology focus on automating these tasks and meeting certain objective, such as lower mass and higher dynamic stiffness.
Modeling physical problems with the same form of partial differential equation is easy in the field of engineering, because their proposed solutions have varied similarities. Weighted Residual (WR) technique has been known to be one of the most powerful methods in finding solutions to differential equations, which is how it’s used in finite element analysis. One common feature that all these different equations have is a Piece-wise trial approximation design, and so are solved by finite element analysis. The Given differential equation of the finite element analysis has the following steps:
- The weighted residual is noted down first
- The integration of the differential equation is made by performing integration by parts a significant amount of times to ensure that the distribution of the different variables and the weighting function is even. It should also be noted that the weak form of the weighted residual is developed. This must be done in order to solve for internal boundary conditions.
- The differential equation of the weak form of the N element are added
- The function is then interpolated to find the shape and is used as a weighting
- To engineer a finite element system, we need to model the equations for our structure.
The crankshaft is an important part of machinery in manufacturing industries. Crankshafts undergo fluctuations in torques, over the course of simultaneous strokes from the cylinder. Those fluctuations cause torsional vibrations which occur most commonly as a reaction to the twisting action on rotatory shafts. The analysis of torsional vibrations by X produces a discretion for the crankshaft and other drive-lines components.The beam element model can be used to analyze crankshafts, however, this simplification of the engine crankshaft geometry can miss some key vibrational modes for a real-life engine. The three-dimensional analysis of the engine crankshaft is done to find a more accurate representation of how these components behave.
In the first step of thermal analysis, pressurized vessels are used in the finite element analysis to check rigidity and stability. Temperature should be 300 degrees at the inside surface and 50 degrees on the outer wall.The further analysis of the vessel should include the distribution of temperature across the vessel, as it plays an important role in thermal stresses. This can be done by noting down the temperature at 450 degrees Celsius and then solving stresses at a stable state. To find out how the temperature distribution changes over time, it is best to note down temperatures in relation to time.
Further applications for the Finite Element Analysis are as follows:
- Analysis of the pressure vessel for the dynamic structural
- Stress visualization
- Analysis of the IC engine for the thermal stress
- Dynamic structural Analysis of an automotive chassis
- Scooter dynamics
- Turbine Analysis
“Solutions accuracy is increased when the element is refined.” Mostly, two types of refinement are used. Refinement can be done to an increasing number of elements within a structural area, or it can be done by increasing the interpolation functions by using the order of polynomials. The nature of the refinement depends on what type of result one wants to get out of it.
Finite element analysis is a mathematical method for modeling complex physical problems. It can be used to analyze beams, trusses, and structures of varying size that have similar material properties and geometry. FDA are often required when accuracy is necessary while it is helpful when the design is more complex. When you’re designing fluid flow, strength, or transfer capability with a number of dimensions, finite element analysis can be used. It’s also useful in identifying the optimal design and the expected performance.
The finite element analysis method is used in industries like mechanical engineering, civil engineering, automotive engineering, and aerospace engineering. It can be used to analyze processes such as fluid flow, heat transfer, electromagnetic fields, soil mechanics, acoustics and biomechanics.
Things to consider about FEA
- Engineers use FEA to determine how a real-world product would respond under different circumstances.
- FEA allows for the early stage development of products, which could lead to better overall product quality.
- Before prototyping, you can use FEA to test your design for stress and fatigue.
- Different types of FEA exist. You must consider the nature of your business,materials, and methods before choosing which type to use.
- If you are deciding to have an FEA performed on your design, make sure you hire a good analyst with experience and know what you want to do before undertaking the process.
- Document your assumptions and that should help reduce any discrepancies.
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Milestone PLM Solutions with its exclusive delivery center in India is a global CAD, CAM & FEA services outsourcing partner serving the needs of the Mechanical, Millwork and Automotive industry since 2004. MILESTONE focuses on the unique needs of clients and believe in tackling real-life problems with efficiency, smooth and ease.
The MILESTONE team can assist you with Product Design, 3d Modeling, Drafting & detailing, Reverse Engineering, FEA Analysis and more. We support multiple software including AutoCAD, Solidworks, Catia, NX, Inventor, Solidedge & Ansys etc. Our approach is to provide a dedicated team for each customer over ongoing project and deliver the quality output consistently.
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