How BIM Can Help To Save Lives in Earthquakes

A civil engineer’s job can be rough, with a lot of different tasks to tackle. It’s important for them to stay current in order to construct disaster resilient buildings and infrastructure such as earthwork real estate, calculations and much more that are experienced by new buildings. In recent years more earthquake-proof housing, frame and structure designs have been invented and constructed across the globe to protect against seismic events. Proper cross bracing and rubber footings are some of the designs that help make buildings more resilient.
Leveraging BIM from earth quack proof structural design
Structural engineers and researchers have designed beam-reinforced concrete, base isolated buildings and the like.It’s no secret that structural engineers are using BIM in today’s construction practices. However, it is unfortunate that researchers often forget this crucial technology.BIM (building information modeling) provides a way for civil engineers and structural engineers to work on similar architectures and designs, with the added benefit of less wasted time.
As a structural engineer, you’ll find that BIM makes it possible to conduct fortification analysis and seismic analysis of your projects. With the 3D model of your project and custom API programming, you can create a higher quality product and make it easier to provide information to clients. BIM is playing a leading role in certain sectors, especially where it’s imperative to design and construct new buildings safely. Some of the sectors where BIM is being used include retrofitting buildings for earthquakes, coordination between designers and building codes, processes for efficiently building earthquake-proof buildings, etc.
Compliance to Earthquake resilient designs in BIM Environment
As the population explosion continues to rise, there have been more and more uses of vertical settings in architecture. These types of environments include skyscrapers, high-rises and flyovers. There is also the utilization of underground tunnels along with bridges, which provide transportation.
4D models or digital BIM is early earthquake safe design consideration. Duct designs are located with their duct walls in your building, and that information spurs on the design of your new system which happens to be intelligent 3D. The provision of a two-inch space between ducts takes care of seismic situation, without any additional effort. This is an example of how neatly BIM ensures correctness of designs and compliance to codes. BIM lets architects design and change full building designs quickly. A special software called BIM helps designers create models for buildings that follow the code, with more advanced tools as well as plugins to automate tasks and code compliance is simplified.
Retrofitting of earthquake-affected infrastructure
Buildings Information Modeling, or BIM, offers structural engineers not only the ability to work from scratch but also to be updated in real time. Using digital technologies in this area can benefit both structural engineers and the general public through painting a picture of what a building will look like before construction occurs.
One of the most impressive things about AEC professionals is how they’ve been using unmanned aerial vehicles to capture demolition conditions and create digital maps for roads, bridges, and tunnels. The captured information can then be analyzed in a building information modeling program like Autodesk Revit Structure, which shows the displacement under seismic loads. However, it’s important to retrofit structures, but knowing the motion of each section of material doesn’t always guarantee success.
Challenges and Solution with BIM
In many instances, challenging obstacles arise from the supply and demand of materials in a retrofitting project. Similarly, coordinating all the energy of the construction process is difficult, as well as meeting deadlines without fail and staying within a budget for an earthquake-affected geography. BIM can help by programming and sequencing all construction activities. It’ll also help you stay on track with accurate material delivery.
BIM has recently found a new use in construction management by bringing efficiency and speed to infrastructure retrofitting. With the ability to walk around an idea of what a building will look like, decisions are streamlined and project timelines become shorter. As technology and virtual simulation becomes more common, it’s evident that BIM can do ‘more’ than just design.
Innovations for Anti-Earthquake Building Design.
Among other options, scientists in one of the top universities in the USA came up with a patent for beams made of fiber mixed with concrete. Such innovations may find applications in bridges, flyovers and high-rise construction. Having an additional foundation is a safer and cost-effective way to construct buildings. This allows the buildings to stay stationary in the event of an earthquake, which prevents it from colliding with the ground. New buildings in Japan face a difficult task of building codes that require strict earthquake-proof standards. Some innovative solutions include using iron reinforcing bars mixed with concrete to make buildings stronger and more resistant to earthquakes.
With such modern approaches based on a static nonlinear algorithm, simulations offer better representation of buildings for seismic conditions. Simulations also tend to increase the stability of a building due to the pushover analysis process.
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Milestone PLM Solutions with its exclusive delivery center in India is a global CAD, BIM outsourcing partner serving the needs of the AEC industry since 2004. MILESTONE focuses on the unique needs of clients and believe in tackling real-life problems with efficiency, smooth and ease.
The MILESTONE team can assist you with DD Set, CD Set, BIM Modeling, Rendering, walk through and more. We support multiple BIM software including Auto CAD, Revit, Architecture cad, Vector works etc. Our approach is to provide a dedicated team for each customer over ongoing project and deliver the quality output consistently.
With our state of art technology and large talent pool of Engineers & Architects, we are developing best in class solutions for our customers across the globe. We align with your culture and values to form unbreakable partnerships and are primed for success with over 100 employees and 150 customers in the US, Europe, India, and Asia.
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